Lenovo B50-30

Lenovo B50-30Lenovo Windows 8 B50-30 is a budget laptop worth £ 200 only, putting them in direct competition with Google Chromebooks.

Two £ 100 for a brand-new Windows laptop? You need to be an attention-grabber overwhelming for anyone looking for a working laptop on a budget. We've been here before the Netbook, except this time there are two important expats.

The Windows Netbook late 2000s rarely drooped price at £ 200 or less in price, until they were consigned to the clear-out sale. And all the netbook machines there hobbled by design with small low-resolution screen, very little memory and a third-rate version of Windows. All Measures intentionally damaged by Microsoft and Intel in September to not lose sales more profitable and feasible Hundreds of laptop priced a few pounds higher.

With Lenovo B50-30, we have the first of a new wave of budget laptop that hark back a little netbook, but With the much greater potential to be useful, whos while spending less money.

They all have special pre-installed version of Windows, Windows 8.1 With Known as Bing. This means that the laptop maker is no longer allowed to obtain a refund of income from Google, Yahoo and other search engine companies to Have configure their services as the default search engine on the new PC.

By agreeing to that condition, it was reported that the laptop maker, Lenovo, as here, can be installed on Windows at no cost. It should help Lenovo to offer laptops at a more affordable price without the traditional Windows taxes passed on to users. And it helps Microsoft nail their market share for STI underloved Bing search engine. In return, alongside Increased traffic, get more money to it from advertisers, as well as get more internet users to monitor more extensively.

For laptop buyers, there should be no other differences in the ability of cut-price Windows OS. Meanwhile, PERSONAL RESPIRATORY further anti-trust trial for Microsoft, the search engine for searching the entire system Internet Explorer and Windows' can be changed at any time by the user.


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